At Mayberry Highway, part of the International Slavic University campus in Sveti Nikole, a solo exhibition by Ivona Velkovska was opened. The exhibition, titled “Illumination, Awareness, […]
On April 9, 2024, prof. Jordan Gjorcev PhD, President of the Management Board of the International Slavic University, donated 12 artworks to two public healthcare institutions […]
This week, a working meeting of cinema exhibitors in the Republic of North Macedonia was held at Kinoverzum in Sveti Nikole. Our university cinema, Kinoverzum, is […]
After participating in numerous international festivals, the latest film achievement by director Jani Bojadzi, the movie “Cinema Love,” premiered before the Macedonian audience on October 13th […]
On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, American Corner Štip, in collaboration with Cineverse Štip, hosted an exclusive screening of the documentary film “The YouTube Effect,” which was […]
Со потпишување на меморандум за соработка, во рамките на фестивалот „Браќа Манаки“ во Битола на 28 септември 2023 година беше направен првиот чекор за формирање на […]
At the 2023 Forbes Power Women’s Summit, Mihaela Gjorcheva, a member of the Board of Directors of the International Slavic University and founder of the unique […]
On April 24, 2023 (Monday), the renowned Indian actress Rajshree Deshpande held a lecture in Bitola on the topic “Storytelling through Film.” Before the audience, Rajshree […]
In honor of the long-standing cooperation between the International Slavic University and Europa Prima – the International University, Ambassador Jordan Plevnes, the President of the University […]
On 26th March, 2022 (Saturday) in Kinoverzum, the only university 3D Movie Theater, the premiere of the new Macedonian movie “The Greatest truth” directed by Martin […]
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