Prof. Cvetanka Mitrevska, PhD Dean
Message from the Dean
Dear students,
The world of technology is evolving and developing faster than any other industry. The Faculty of Technical Sciences and Informatics provides the projection, elaboration, concretization, and application of content from the field of technical sciences through a high-quality and modern teaching process that keeps pace with rapid technological development and modern educational trends in Europe and the world. Today, our faculty is a modern scientific-educational institution with a clearly defined mission, vision, goals, and program determinations.
It is well known that scientists ask "why?", while engineers ask "why not?". In reality, science and engineering are closely linked, especially in the fields offered at our faculty. Our teaching process is organized according to high educational principles that include the relevance and individualization of teaching, the systematic approach to teaching, and the creative-critical and creative proactivity of students. The methods, procedures, and tools applied in the teaching at this faculty enable each student to learn and progress according to their abilities while also maximizing their potential.
Our faculty is the only one in the country that offers education for professionals in occupational safety and health, aiming for more efficient and successful implementation of European legislation, norms, and standards of the European Union, the International Labour Organization, and the World Health Organization in the field of worker safety and health.
Students at the Faculty of Technical Sciences and Informatics acquire knowledge and skills that are applicable in various fields and areas. You have the opportunity to choose from numerous careers. You can opt for a career in data science, software development, artificial intelligence, work environment, environmental science, or something else. Whatever career path you choose, be assured that you can make a significant impact in your field. Every line of code you write, every algorithm you design, and every solution you create has the potential to shape and change the world.
The mission of the faculty as an educational and scientific organization is to continuously and maximally innovate the teaching content, apply modern methods and techniques of education through research processes, and educate young and quality experts in various fields. Students, upon completing their education, will be able to contribute to various industries and other capacities. They have the opportunity to carry out practical training in suitably selected enterprises and institutions that best enable the incorporation of theory and practical applicability of knowledge.
We constantly strive to stay up-to-date with current innovations and to prepare our students to acquire practical skills that they can apply and develop in their future workplaces.