Doctoral study programs




Doctoral programmes

1.2. Pedagogy Theory of education and didactics
Specialized pedagogy
1.3. Pedagogy of teaching in…    

Methodology of teaching Bulgarian language and literature

Methodology of teaching Bulgarian language and literature

Methodology of teaching foreign language

Methodology of teaching mathematics

Methodology of teaching bit and technology

Methodology of teaching in fine arts

Methodology of teaching for man and society, man and nature, Pedagogy of interacting child – environment
Methodology of teaching in geography
Methodology of teaching music
Theory and methodology of physical education and sports trainings

2.1. Philology Bulgarian literature
Theory of literature
Russian literature and literature of the people of Russia
Literature of the people of Europe, America, Africa, Asia and Australia

Folklore / incl. Bulgarian folklore, Slavic folklore /
General and comparative knowledge of languages / incl. knowledge of the Balkan languages, structural linguistics, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, mathematical linguistics, ethnolinguistics /
Theory and practice of translation
Bulgarian language
Slavic languages
German languages

2.2 History and archeology
Old history
Medieval general history
New and latest general history
History of Bulgaria
Archeology (including Numismatics, epigraphy and paleography)A History of philosophy
2.3. Philosophy Logic


Philosophy of law and politics

2.4. Religion and theology Theology
3.1. Sociology, anthropology and science of culture Ethnology


3.2. Psychology Pedagogical and developmental psychology
Social psychology
General psychology
3.3 Political science Politics
3.4. Social activities


Organization and management outside the sphere of material production (Social activities)
3.6 Law  

Theory of the state and law
Constitutional law
Administrative law and administrative process
Financial law
Criminal law
A history of law
Civil process
Civil and family law
International Law and International Relations
Criminal procedural law

3.7. Administration and


Economics and management (industry)


3.8. Economy Political economy
Accounting report, control and analysis of the business activity,
Finance, cash flow, credit and insurance (finance)
4.4. Earth science Social – economic geography
Physical geography and Earth sciences
4.6. Informatics and

Computer science

8.2. Fine art  

Science of art and fine arts – painting, fresco and church arts
Art and Fine Arts Science – Graphics, Graphic Design and Visual Communications, Drawing and Sculpture

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