Prof. Anita Risteska, PhD Dean
Message from the dean
Dear students,
Choosing your faculty and future profession are important decisions for every young person. The modern way of living and the increasing interest of people in understanding themselves and others around them have made psychology one of the most important professions. The need for psychologists in all segments of society is growing.
Psychology as a science describes and studies conscious and unconscious, cognitive and motivational psychological processes that influence the behavior of individuals and groups.
The goal of the Faculty of Psychology is for students to acquire knowledge and skills related to psychological processes, characteristics, and behavior of individuals, as well as techniques and instruments to solve problems affecting their successful functioning in their environment.
The Faculty of Psychology offers modern study programs according to the law on higher education, European standards, and contemporary trends in higher education. This means:
• Continuous innovation of teaching content and programs;
• Application of modern methods and techniques in teaching ;
• Respect for moral values;
These study programs provide students with the knowledge to successfully perform tasks in the fields of applied psychology.
The theoretical knowledge gained at the Faculty of Psychology can be practically applied by students in mandatory summer programs, allowing them to connect theoretical and practical aspects of psychology.
The Faculty of Psychology has a long-standing and fruitful collaboration with many faculties and higher education institutions in our country and abroad.