Academic calendar
Calendar of educational activities
Education at faculties at International Slavic University are organized according to the European credit transfer system (ECTS)
Sing in at E-learning for more information about materials you need for studying.
Alumni club
The alumni club of ISU is for graduated students at one of faculties at university from founding to today.

International Slavic University have rich literary fund at University.
The library systematically collects library materials from scientific fields that can be found and provided access to all titles electronically.
All information about studying
you can found here
What is European credit transfer system (ECTS)
Student status
The students at ISU can enroll as both full-time and part-time students.
Registration and verification of semester
The enrollment of the winter semester begins from 1st of September and last until 15th of September every year.The enrollment of the spring semester is made in February, and the verification in June.
The lectures are held in Bitola and Sveti Nikole, i.e. every student attends the classes depending where he or she enrolled.
Midterm exams
In order to be able to take the the midterm exams the student needs to be enrolled as a regular student.
Final exams
During the first academic year there are 4 final exam sessions from which two are regular and two additional.
Practical teaching
All full-time students at ISU have practical teaching during their studies, organized in cooperation in many institutions and companies in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Grading system
The students on the faculty can enroll as full-time or part-time students, and the status of the student has a different meaning from several points of view.

Alumni club
The alumni club at ISU is community for all graduated students at one of our faculties.
The purpose of forming the Alumni Club is to develop and promote mutually beneficial relationships between the university and students who have completed their studies at ISU.
The purpose of the Alumni Club is to be a platform where dialogue, integrity and creative thinking are encouraged.
Student life should be fun and full with new challenges. Also it should help you achieve your personal and professional plans and goals.
Your student life depends on the choices you make. It’s important to know that no matter how hard studying might look like, it is possible to overcome the obstacles, to accomplish the personal goals and to feel good about yourself and your studies. But, everything depends on the choices you make.
How to become a better student
Making a good schedule at the beginning of the academic year can help you a lot in your further student life. You have to recognize your potential and direct it towards achieving your goals.
From our experience we know that you shouldn’t be under stress for the final exam sessions and midterm exams. When you are a university student you have more time than in high school and that gives you freedom for more activities. If you organize your activities well, you won’t have to master the last-minute-study skills.
Look at the lectures schedule and stick to from the beginning of the academic year. If you miss a few lectures you may miss some key information from the material, which might be hard to learn on your own. If you can’t figure something out, feel free to ask for help. The professors are always there to help you.
Set real goals about your studying habits. Divide the material, you can’t learn everything in one day. Learn step-by-step. You can start with one-chapter-a-day technique, and when you really understand what it is about, you can move on to the next chapter. Please make sure that you deeply understand the essence of the topic and only then move on to the next chapter. Few days before the exam repeat all the information you have studied.
Explore. The information you share with others is easier to remember. The research works don’t have to be boring, you can explore and research with your friends from university and have fun at the same time. Make a project which is connected to the topic you are studying. For example, if you are studying a programming language, make a computer program which can track the results of the things you learnt.
With a good learning strategy, the odds to fail the final exams are very low. Also, you’ll worry less, because the more you study, the more confident you’ll become.
Life outside the campus
We all know that life is more than just studying. Establishing a good balance between your personal and your student life will help achieve your personal and professional goals.
While studying, your priority should be university attendance, but we’re sure that you can fit some additional activities before or after the lectures. You can play sports together with your friends from university, grab a coffee, or watch a movie… the choice is yours!
Carefully plan your time for studying and other activities and stick to the schedule. Take as much additional activities as you can fit into your learning plan. Too many activities can take your attention away from studying and make it hard for you to achieve the goals within the deadlines you have set.