The students at ISU can enroll as full-time or part-time students.

Enrollment as full-time students

The full-time students have to attend classes, while the part-time students have an obligation to attend only the final exams. The full-time students are allowed to be absent from the classes, although that reduces the number of points for attendance in the assessment process. The students can get a, for example, a maximum of 10 points from attendance (the number of points may vary depending on the course), and by being absent from class that number decreases.

They have the right to take two midterm exams instead of one final exam, and they might be required to prepare a term paper or a similar kind of a research paper.

Enrollment as part-time students

The students who work and don’t have time to attend the regular classes usually enroll as part-time students. They can still attend the classes if they choose to do so. Part-time students must submit a certificate that they are employed or a medical note that explains the reason why they are not able to attend classes.

Part-time students have more independent work and research, they prepare term papers and research papers, as recommended by the course instructor. They have no right to take midterm exams (unless otherwise regulated for a specific course), which means they can only take the final exams in one of the final exam sessions.

Both the full-time and part-time students pay the same the tuition fee.

Changing the status

If full-time students want to change their status to part-time students, they must submit a certificate that they are employed or a medical note that explains the reason why they are not able to attend classes. Also, the students are required to submit a request for a student status change to the Student Affairs Office.

After all of the above has been done and the Dean approves, the student status can be changed at the beginning of the following semester.

If part-time students want to change their status to full-time students, they need to submit a request for a student status change to the Student Affairs Office. After this has been done and the Dean approves, the student status can be changed at the beginning of the following semester.