
Students at the faculty can enroll as full-time or part-time students, and this status affects various aspects of their academic experience.

Full-time students must attend all classes regularly and can take each subject through 2 midterms during the semester.

Part-time students, if they attend at least eight weeks of lectures (four weeks before the first midterm and four weeks before the second midterm), are allowed to take the subject through midterms.

The final grade for each subject is based on the total points accumulated from midterms, attendance and participation, and project work. The grade is formed based on the points earned throughout the semester. For example:

  • first midterm (up to 35 points)
  • second midterm (up to 35 points)
  • project work (up to 10 points)
  • attendance and participation (up to 20 points)

For part-time students who do not take the first and second midterms, the maximum points they can earn on the final exam is 70 points.

The maximum number of points is 100. Depending on the study program and the subject, the point distribution for activities may vary. For the exact points for each subject, please consult the course professor or check the course details on E-learning or E-index.

Below are the grades based on the number of points:

  • grade 6: 51-60 points
  • grade 7: 61-70 points
  • grade 8: 71-80 points
  • grade 9: 81-90 points
  • grade 10: 91-100 points