All information about Doctoral Degree in Veliko Tarnovo University
ISU is a partner for students recruitment about Doctoral Degree in Republic North Macedonia and the region.
According to the bilateral agreement signed between the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St Cyril and St. Methodius” and the International Slavic University now you can study in Macedonia, but earn a Doctoral Degree in Bulgaria.
During the doctoral degree program you will be assigned a mentor who will guide you through the studies.The consultations will take place at the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole.

For University of Veliko Tarnovo
Here you can find more information about University of Veliko Tarnovo, the first university outside the Bulgarian capital.
Doctoral degree program at the University of Veliko Tarnovo.
List of Doctoral degree program accessible in Republic North Macedonia.
Required documents for the application process for University of Veliko Tarnovo
Here you can find more information about Required documents for the application process for doctoral studies.
Tuition fee fot the University of Veliko Tarnovo
More information about tuition fee.