All information about the program "Business and organization" (postgraduate studies).
ISU is a partner for students recruitment at the program "Business and organization" in Republic North Macedonia and the region.
The enrollment of the candidates and the realization of the program will be carried out at the International Slavic University. The official language of the program is English language.
The program "Business and organization" contains 15 courses, the lectures of the program is held in Republic North Macedonia. University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB LU) has become the first and the only Triple Crown School in Slovenia and the broader region to have been awarded the EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA international accreditations
Information about the program "Business and organization" of the Faculty of Economics - Ljubljana
Find out why the Business and Organization program is ranked in the Top 100 in the World by the Financial Times.
Address by the dean at Faculty of economy - Ljubljana
Address by the dean at Faculty of economy, Prof. Metka Tekavčič.
Educational program and number of students at the "Business and organization" program.
List of courses and program delivery.
Advantages of the program "Business and organization"
Check it out advantages of the program from studying at the "Business and organization" program.
Conditions, deadlines and criterion for admission at the "Business and organization" program.
Here you can find more information about conditions, deadlines and criterion for admission and the duration at open admissions.
Tuition fee for "Business and organization" program
More information about tuition fee.
Required documents for the "Business and organization" program.
Information about required documents for the application process.