International Slavic University is proud to announce that Mihaela Gjorcheva, a member of the University’s Management Board, will be a speaker at the exclusive #WINLounge organized […]
On October 1, 2024, the International Slavic University marked the beginning of the new academic year with two ceremonies held in Sveti Nikole and Bitola. The […]
On May 25, 2024, a ceremonial event was held at the Officers’ House in Bitola where diplomas were awarded to the students of the International Slavic […]
May 24, 2024, was a significant day for all of us at the International Slavic University. The Rector, Prof. Lenche Petreska, PhD along with the deans […]
In recent days, the President of the Balkan University Center, Prof. Hristo Bondzholov, PhD, paid an official working visit to the International Slavic University. During the […]
Dear students, colleagues, and collaborators of ISU, As we stand on the threshold of the new year 2024, these moments remind me of the powerful words […]
On November 24, at the Gold Felicia restaurant in Bitola, agreements were signed between KS Group and the International Slavic University for scholarships for students from […]
Shefika Sumeje Cham and Zeqeriya Cham from Mus Alparslan University, Republic of Turkey, have been visiting the International Slavic University in recent days as part of […]
“On October 12, 2023, the International Slavic University in Skopje hosted the Autumn Academy for doctoral students organized by the University of Veliko Turnovo ‘St. Cyril […]
“Sedat Gjelibolu from Mus Alparslan University, Republic of Turkey, is currently visiting the International Slavic University as part of the Erasmus+ program, in the area of […]
“Elvetin Akman and Cigdem Akman from Suleyman Demirel University, Republic of Turkey, are currently visiting the International Slavic University as part of the Erasmus+ program, in […]
Today simultaneously marked the beginning of the first academic class for the students of the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole and Bitola. At the event, […]
Today, September 29, 2023, at the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” in Bulgaria, a Founding Assembly was held, during which it was […]
Representatives from the International Slavic University attended the graduation ceremony at our partner institution, the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana, to support and […]
Professor Pavlina Stojanova, Phd, the Vice-Rector for Education at the International Slavic University, along with the deans and vice-deans of our 5 faculties, ceremoniously conferred diplomas […]
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