European Programs

24 April 2023

The National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility held a presentation at the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole

On April 24, 2023 (Monday), starting at 10:00 a.m., Anabela Dimoska from the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility conducted a presentation for the […]
29 June 2019

The certificates were awarded to the participants of the European funding and European program training

 The International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” in Sveti Nikole and Bitola, together with the Association “United Business Clubs”  from Sofia, the Republic of Bulgaria, organized […]
18 May 2019

The firs part of the trainings for European funding trough European programs was held at the International Slavic University

  Today, at the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” in Sveti Nikole, the first part from the trainings for European funding through European programs was […]