Trainings And Conferences

21 May 2024

Educational Presentation by JP Official Gazette for ISU Students

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, employees from the Public Enterprise Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia held a presentation for the students of the […]
21 May 2024

Professors from ISU at an International Scientific Conference in Belgrade, Serbia

On May 17 and 18, 2024, the VII International Scientific Conference on “Contemporary Challenges in Management, Economics, Law, Security, and the Information Society” was held, organized […]
23 April 2024

A conference on “The Challenges of New Labor Legislation and Occupational Safety and Health” was held at ISU in Sveti Nikole

On April 23, 2024, the International Slavic University, in collaboration with the Institute for Engineering Economics, hosted a significant national conference on “The Challenges of New […]
21 March 2024

“Joint Inclusive Workshop at the International Slavic University and the Primary School ‘Todor Angelevski'”

On March 19, 2024, at the International Slavic University in Bitola, a joint inclusive workshop was held between students from the Faculty of Psychology under the […]
10 March 2024

ISU and Kinoverzum at the Forbes 30/50 Summit 2024 in Abu Dhabi on the occasion of International Women’s Day

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Mihaela Gjorcheva, a member of the Management Board of the International Slavic University and founder of Kinoverzum, participated in […]
26 February 2024

Bitola: The course titled “English for Higher Education Academics” was successfully conducted in collaboration with Atlas Language School from Dublin, Ireland

The International Slavic University in Bitola also hosted the course titled “English for Higher Education Academics,” organized by Atlas Language School from Dublin, Ireland. The course […]
23 February 2024

In Bitola and Pretor, the Erasmus+ program “Beyond Slides and Speeches: Strategies for Delivering Powerful Academic Presentations” continued

The combined intensive program “Beyond Slides and Speeches: Strategies for Delivering Powerful Academic Presentation,” organized within the framework of the Erasmus+ program, continued at Mayberry Lake […]
21 February 2024

Successfully implemented course on “English for Higher Education Academics” in collaboration with Atlas Language School from Dublin, Ireland.

The International Slavic University hosted a free course on “English for Higher Education Academics,” organized by Atlas Language School from Dublin, Ireland. The event, which took […]
20 February 2024

ISU at the event “India – Europe: Business and Sustainability Meeting” in New Delhi, India

Delhi, February 20, 2024 – Mihaela Gjorcheva and Ivan Spasev, members of the Management Board of the International Slavic University, attended the event “India – Europe: […]
17 February 2024

Over 250 participants from ISU attended the lecture by Jeff Cabili from Stanford Continuing Studies

Sveti Nikolе, February 17, 2024 – The International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole hosted one of the most anticipated university events of the year, featuring Jeff […]
16 January 2024

ISU at the World Economic Forum in Davos

The World Economic Forum has commenced in Davos, and the International Slavic University currently has representatives at several events organized within the forum. The World Economic […]
21 December 2023

Visit to the Support Center for Students with Disabilities at the “Gjorgji Sugarev” Primary School in Bitola

Students from the Faculty of Psychology at the International Slavic University in Bitola visited the Support Center for Students with Disabilities at the “Gjorgji Sugarev” Primary […]
17 December 2023

The short-term blended intensive program “Global Perspectives on Inclusive Education: Strategies for Building Diverse and Equitable Learning Environments” has begun in Sveti Nikole

At Mayberry Highway in Sveti Nikole, the short-term blended intensive program “Global Perspectives on Inclusive Education: Strategies for Building Diverse and Equitable Learning Environments” has begun […]
13 December 2023

“Successfully Held: Eighth International Philosophical Dialogue – ‘East-West'”

On December 6th and 7th, 2023, the Eighth International Philosophical Dialogue, themed “East-West,” was successfully held, organized by MANU (Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts), the […]
4 December 2023

The ISU Psychology Days – 2023 event concluded successfully

On December 2, 2023, at Mayberry Highway, part of the International Slavic University campus in Sveti Nikole, three lectures were held as part of the second […]