Михаела Ѓорчева

15 June 2024

„На студентско кафе со…“ – нов студентски поткаст на кој зборуваме на теми интересни за сите студенти

Со огромно задоволство ви го претставуваме најновиот проект на Здружението на студенти на Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет – студентскиот поткаст „На студентско кафе со…“. Ова е поткаст […]
31 May 2024

Successful traineeship for students from the Faculty of Psychology at ISU in Bitola

Students from the Faculty of Psychology at the International Slavic University, under the mentorship of Prof. Gorica Popovska Nalevska, PhD completed a four-week traineeship in primary […]
25 May 2024

Diplomas were ceremoniously awarded to the graduates and master’s degree recipients at ISU in Bitola

On May 25, 2024, a ceremonial event was held at the Officers’ House in Bitola where diplomas were awarded to the students of the International Slavic […]
25 May 2024

A solo exhibition by Ivona Velkovska was opened at ISU in Sveti Nikole

At Mayberry Highway, part of the International Slavic University campus in Sveti Nikole, a solo exhibition by Ivona Velkovska was opened. The exhibition, titled “Illumination, Awareness, […]
24 May 2024

Diplomas were ceremoniously awarded to the graduates and master’s degree recipients at ISU in Sveti Nikole

May 24, 2024, was a significant day for all of us at the International Slavic University. The Rector, Prof. Lenche Petreska, PhD along with the deans […]
21 May 2024

Educational Presentation by JP Official Gazette for ISU Students

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, employees from the Public Enterprise Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia held a presentation for the students of the […]
21 May 2024

Professors from ISU at an International Scientific Conference in Belgrade, Serbia

On May 17 and 18, 2024, the VII International Scientific Conference on “Contemporary Challenges in Management, Economics, Law, Security, and the Information Society” was held, organized […]
25 April 2024

First Official Meeting of the Founders of the Balkan University Center in Sveti Nikole

At a ceremonial event held in Sveti Nikole at the Mayberry Highway venue, part of the campus of the International Slavic University, the first official meeting […]
23 April 2024

A conference on “The Challenges of New Labor Legislation and Occupational Safety and Health” was held at ISU in Sveti Nikole

On April 23, 2024, the International Slavic University, in collaboration with the Institute for Engineering Economics, hosted a significant national conference on “The Challenges of New […]
18 April 2024

ISU at meetings with seniors from Resen and Demir Hisar

The team from the International Slavic University visited high schools in Demir Hisar and Resen and held meetings with the seniors from SOU “Krste Petkov Misirkov” […]
11 April 2024

ISU signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the “MB” University from Belgrade, Serbia.

The International Slavic University and the “MB” University from Belgrade signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, marking the beginning of a new phase in their collaboration. The […]
10 April 2024

Prof. Jordan Gjorcev PhD donated 12 artworks to two public healthcare institutions in Veles.

On April 9, 2024, prof. Jordan Gjorcev PhD, President of the Management Board of the International Slavic University, donated 12 artworks to two public healthcare institutions […]
9 April 2024

ISU at meetings with seniors from Ohrid and Struga

As part of the initiative to meet with seniors from most high schools in the country, we also visited high schools in Ohrid and Struga. Our […]
9 April 2024

Erasmus+ Mobility: Professors from Turkey at the International Slavic University

As part of the Erasmus+ program, the International Slavic University is hosting two professors from Turkey: Sahil Seçkin Erol PhD from Bandirma Onyedi Eylul [17 September] […]
4 April 2024

Memorandum of Cooperation signed with Premium Safety Solution 77

On April 4, 2024, the International Slavic University signed a significant Memorandum of Cooperation with the company Premium Safety Solution 77. The memorandum was signed on […]