Михаела Ѓорчева

31 March 2024

МСУ ги презентираше своите програми во Св. Николе

Тимот на Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет оствари средба со матурантите од СОУ „Кочо Рацин“ – Свети Николе на која беа споделени информации за студиските програми и можностите […]
31 March 2024

ISU presented its programs at 6 high schools in Bitola

The International Slavic University continued its meetings with high school seniors in Bitola, aiming to inform and motivate future students about achieving their academic and professional […]
30 March 2024

ISU at a meeting with seniors from Macedonian Brod, Kichevo and Krushevo

The International Slavic University continued its meetings with high school seniors across the country, this time in Kichevo, Macedonian Brod and Krushevo. With the intention of […]
30 March 2024

ISU held meetings with seniors from Macedonian Kamenica, Berovo and Delchevo

The International Slavic University continued its visits to high schools across the country. On March 29, 2024, meetings were held with seniors from Macedonian Kamenica, Berovo, […]
30 March 2024

In Gevgelija and Bogdanci: ISU presented its programs to the seniors

The International Slavic University successfully carried out its presentations in Gevgelija and Bogdanci, highlighting its commitment to informing future students. On March 26, 2024, the ISU […]
29 March 2024

ISU held a meeting with the seniors from Prilep

The International Slavic University continued its activities to connect and inspire future students through direct visits to high schools, this time focusing on Prilep. The ISU […]
29 March 2024

Negotino and Kavadarci: A Meeting Between High School Seniors and the ISU Team

In the spirit of building bridges between high school seniors and higher education, the International Slavic University continued its initiative by visiting high schools in Negotino […]
29 March 2024

ISU in Vinica and Kochani: Connecting with Seniors from Three High Schools

The International Slavic University continued its efforts to connect with future students through visits to high schools across the country. On March 25, 2024, our team […]
28 March 2024

At ISU in Sveti Nikole, the book “Modeling and Computer Simulation of Genetic Regulatory Networks” by Prof. Dr. Orce Simov was launched.

On March 27, 2024, at 12:00 PM, the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole hosted the launch of the book “Modeling and Computer Simulation of Genetic […]
27 March 2024

Undergraduate Enrollment – 2024/2025

Based on Article 149, Article 134 paragraph 2 and Article 135 of the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of North Macedonia (Official Gazette 82/2018) […]
24 March 2024

Kumanovo in Focus at ISU: Presenting Study Programs in High Schools

The International Slavic University continues its activities to promote its study programs to high school seniors across the country. Our latest visit was to Kumanovo on […]
24 March 2024

Postgraduate Enrollment – 2024/2025

Based on Article 149, Article 134 paragraph 2 and Article 135 of the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of North Macedonia (Official Gazette 82/2018) […]
23 March 2024

ISU continued its presentations of its study programs to high school seniors in Strumica.

The International Slavic University continued its presentations across high schools. On March 20, 2024, our team held several presentations for high school seniors in Strumica, introducing […]
22 March 2024

ISU began presenting its study programs to high school seniors in Veles.

The International Slavic University began a series of presentations on its study programs to high school seniors across the country, starting in Veles on March 19, […]
21 March 2024

“Joint Inclusive Workshop at the International Slavic University and the Primary School ‘Todor Angelevski'”

On March 19, 2024, at the International Slavic University in Bitola, a joint inclusive workshop was held between students from the Faculty of Psychology under the […]