
16 March 2024

The new cinema at Kinoverzum in Kiselа Voda was ceremoniously opened

Skopje, Kiselа Voda – on the evening of March 15, 2024, on the red carpet with numerous guests and in a solemn atmosphere, the fourth cinema […]
1 December 2023

A working meeting of cinema exhibitors in the Republic of North Macedonia was held at Kinoverzum

This week, a working meeting of cinema exhibitors in the Republic of North Macedonia was held at Kinoverzum in Sveti Nikole. Our university cinema, Kinoverzum, is […]
16 October 2023

The Macedonian premiere of the movie “Cinema Love” took place at Cinoverzum in Stip.

After participating in numerous international festivals, the latest film achievement by director Jani Bojadzi, the movie “Cinema Love,” premiered before the Macedonian audience on October 13th […]
14 October 2023

The legendary Hollywood producer Gale Anne Hurd attended a screening at Cineverse Stip.

On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, American Corner Štip, in collaboration with Cineverse Štip, hosted an exclusive screening of the documentary film “The YouTube Effect,” which was […]
28 September 2023

Киноверзум: на фестивалот „Браќа Манаки“ потпишан меморандум за соработка помеѓу киноприкажувачите

Со потпишување на меморандум за соработка, во рамките на фестивалот „Браќа Манаки“ во Битола на 28 септември 2023 година беше направен првиот чекор за формирање на […]
16 September 2023

Mihaela Gjorcheva from ISU at the pre-premiere screening of the movie Fair Play in New York.

At the 2023 Forbes Power Women’s Summit,  Mihaela Gjorcheva, a member of the Board of Directors of the International Slavic University and founder of the unique […]
25 April 2023

The lecture “Storytelling through Film” by the Indian actress Rajshree Deshpande was successfully held

On April 24, 2023 (Monday), the renowned Indian actress Rajshree Deshpande held a lecture in Bitola on the topic “Storytelling through Film.” Before the audience, Rajshree […]
18 April 2023

Opportunity to attend all Cinematic Universe premieres for free!

Are you ready to be the first to receive information about the latest premieres in Cinematic Universe in Veles and St. Nikole? We invite you to […]
3 June 2022

The First Grade Students from the Primary School “Vanco Prke” – Stip visited Kinoverzum, the only University 3D Movie Theater

On 3rd June 2022 (Friday) a total of 54 first grade students from the Primary School “Vanco Prke” – Stip watched the animated film “The Road […]
28 February 2022

The crew of the Macedonian Film “The Greatest Truth” was a guest at the premiere in Kinoverzum

On 26th March, 2022 (Saturday) in Kinoverzum, the only university 3D Movie Theater, the premiere of the new Macedonian movie “The Greatest truth” directed by Martin […]
4 February 2022

The crew from the movie “Sisters”in Kinoverzum, the only university 3D movie theater

Today on 4th February, 2022 in Kinoverzum the only university 3D movie theater the premiere of the movie “Sisters”, the first Macedonian movie presented on Netflix, […]