Students from the International Slavic University in Bitola attended an informative presentation on Europass and Euroguidance, led by Kristijan Salamovski, an ambassador for these programs at […]
From October 10 to 13, representatives from the International Slavic University, Sofija Radonchikj, President of the Students’ Association, and Jovana Stojcheva, Deputy Student Advocate of the […]
The National Coordinator for Higher Education Reforms, Prof. Solza Grcheva, PhD held a meeting with representatives from student organizations of both public and private universities in […]
Со огромно задоволство ви го претставуваме најновиот проект на Здружението на студенти на Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет – студентскиот поткаст „На студентско кафе со…“. Ова е поткаст […]
Students from the Faculty of Psychology at the International Slavic University, under the mentorship of Prof. Gorica Popovska Nalevska, PhD completed a four-week traineeship in primary […]
On March 19, 2024, at the International Slavic University in Bitola, a joint inclusive workshop was held between students from the Faculty of Psychology under the […]
On February 27, 2024, the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole hosted a significant event for the development of school sports in the Republic of North […]
With great pleasure and pride, we inform you that our student Jovana Simonova was among the most successful athletes for 2023 in the Municipality of Štip, […]
On November 24, at the Gold Felicia restaurant in Bitola, agreements were signed between KS Group and the International Slavic University for scholarships for students from […]
Today, September 27, 2023, at the International Slavic University in Bitola, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the International Slavic University and Eurotip, a sports […]
Our women’s handball club Ovče Pole – Slavjanski University started the new season with a victory against Šampion – 30:22. The first match and the first […]
Recently, four young bowlers from the bowling club Pelister Pin from Bitola were part of the camp for the best young Croatian bowlers organized by the […]
The International Slavic University won second place in the Women’s Handball category at the National University Cup held at the “Car Samoil” sports hall in Sveti […]
On May 23, 2023 (Tuesday), in Tetovo, the final round of the University Futsal League was played. The league features the largest universities in the country. […]
A new, third consecutive victory for the International Slavic University in the University League, today 4:2 against the team of the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” from […]
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