Mihaela Gjorcheva, a member of the Management Board at the International Slavic University, took part in some of the most influential global platforms in Davos during […]
The second day of the World Economic Forum in Davos was filled with inspiring discussions and important topics that opened new perspectives and ideas for global […]
This week, over 3,000 of the world’s most influential figures are gathering in Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum and numerous parallel events. Starting […]
International Slavic University is proud to announce that Mihaela Gjorcheva, a member of the University’s Management Board, will be a speaker at the exclusive #WINLounge organized […]
Prof. Vasko Stamevski, PhD, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at the International Slavic University, participated in the 9th International Zagreb Security Forum, held on October 11 and […]
Mihaela Gjorcheva, a board member of the International Slavic University and a PhD candidate at the University of Ljubljana, delivered two guest lectures to over 200 […]
At the Global Education Summit, organized by Chandigarh University in India, International Slavic University received a prestigious honor. Nobel Laureate Prof. Gerardus ‘t Hooft, one of […]
As part of the 4th Global Education Summit held at Chandigarh University in India, on October 3rd, Mihaela Gjorcheva, MSc, from the International Slavic University, delivered […]
Mihaela Gjorcheva, a PhD candidate at the University of Ljubljana and a board member of International Slavic University, participated in the first international research symposium within […]
Prof. Vasko Stamevski, PhD – Vice-Rector for International Cooperation at International Slavic University, completed a study visit to several universities in Slovakia and Poland from June […]
Со огромно задоволство ви го претставуваме најновиот проект на Здружението на студенти на Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет – студентскиот поткаст „На студентско кафе со…“. Ова е поткаст […]
On May 17 and 18, 2024, the VII International Scientific Conference on “Contemporary Challenges in Management, Economics, Law, Security, and the Information Society” was held, organized […]
On April 9, 2024, prof. Jordan Gjorcev PhD, President of the Management Board of the International Slavic University, donated 12 artworks to two public healthcare institutions […]
On March 27, 2024, at 12:00 PM, the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole hosted the launch of the book “Modeling and Computer Simulation of Genetic […]
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, Mihaela Gjorcheva, a member of the Management Board of the International Slavic University and founder of Kinoverzum, participated in […]
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