Part of the program for New Year’s Festival and Bazaar in St. Nikole at the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “was also the Stand up […]
Within the cultural and entertainment program of the New Year’s Festival and Bazaar in Sv. Nikole on December 28th held a New Year’s program prepared by […]
Within the cultural and entertainment program of the New Year’s Festival and Bazaar in Sv. Nikole on 27 December was held a New Year program prepared […]
On November 25, 2016 at the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “guest was PhD Daniela Tasevska, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University […]
International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “organized the sixth educational and professional gathering for doctors in veterinary medicine with the topic” New knowledge on homeostasis, diagnostics […]
“I’m going to hunt” – comedy in three acts prepared by City amateur theater “Scene 71”, Sveti Nikole directed by Slobodan Eliseev was shown tonight at […]
Today starting at 6:00 pm at the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “in Sveti Nikole was held a ceremony because of the National Day of […]
Within the Philosophical Film Festival – 2016 at the amphitheater of the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “- Sveti Nikole was shown the French film” […]
The scientific results of the archaeological researches of the early Roman town of Bilazora in the Ovcepoli locality Gradishte – Knezje are published in the book […]
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