
28 February 2024

The Federation of School Sports of Macedonia held its annual meeting at the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole

On February 27, 2024, the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole hosted a significant event for the development of school sports in the Republic of North […]
3 February 2024

Our student Jovana Simonova among the top athletes in the Municipality of Štip

With great pleasure and pride, we inform you that our student Jovana Simonova was among the most successful athletes for 2023 in the Municipality of Štip, […]
19 September 2023

The first match and first victory of the season for our handball players from ŽRK Ovče Pole – Slavjanski University.

Our women’s handball club Ovče Pole – Slavjanski University started the new season with a victory against Šampion – 30:22. The first match and the first […]
16 August 2023

Ballers from Pelister Pin at camp for the best young bowlers in Croatia

Recently, four young bowlers from the bowling club Pelister Pin from Bitola were part of the camp for the best young Croatian bowlers organized by the […]
2 June 2023

The International Slavic University won second place in the Women’s Handball category at the National University Cup

The International Slavic University won second place in the Women’s Handball category at the National University Cup held at the “Car Samoil” sports hall in Sveti […]
23 May 2023

University League: ISU achieved the second place at the national level

On May 23, 2023 (Tuesday), in Tetovo, the final round of the University Futsal League was played. The league features the largest universities in the country. […]
11 May 2023

University League: ISU with a third convincing victory – 4:2 against the team of UKLO.

A new, third consecutive victory for the International Slavic University in the University League, today 4:2 against the team of the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” from […]
4 May 2023

University League: ISU with another convincing victory of 6:2 against the team of the University of Southeast Europe – Tetovo

On May 4, 2023 (Thursday), in Skopje, at the “Macedonian Heroes” sports hall, the third round of the University Futsal League was played. The league features […]
30 May 2022

Successful End of our Competition Season of Our Girls of WHC Ovche Pole – Slavic University

Our girls from WHC Ovche Pole – Slavic University played the last round of the play-off phase in the Women’s League and achieved a victory of […]
23 May 2022

Again, a Victory for Our Girls from WHC Ovche Pole – Slavic University

Our girls from WHC Oche Pole – Slavic University justified the first place on the play-off table in the Women’s League with 29 points and in […]
18 April 2022

A New Victory of Our Girls for WHC Ovche Pole Slavic University

Our girls from WHC Ovche Pole Slavic University have continued with victory games in the play-off in the Women’s League. On 16th April, 2022 (Saturday) at […]
8 April 2022

Fourth Victory in a Row for our Girls form WHC Ovche Pole Slavic University

Our girls from WHC Ovche Pole Slavic University have continued with the winning games in the play-off in the Women’s League. On 7th April, 2022 (Thursday) […]
4 April 2022

Our Girls from WHC Ovche Pole Slavic University achieved a New Victory

On 3rd April, 2022 (Sunday) our handball players form WHC Ovche Pole Slavic University played the seventh round of the play-off of the Women’s League against […]
21 March 2022

The International Chess Tournament Slavjanski at ISU in Bitola has ended successfully

On 20th March, 2022 (Sunday) the second day of the international chess tournament Slavjanski, where over 150 chess players from five countries took part, ended. The […]
19 March 2022

The International Chess Tournament Slavjanski has begun at ISU in Bitola

Today at the International Slavic University in Bitola are held two international chess tournaments, one senior and one youth, which are fully organized by ISU and […]