Cultural Events

26 February 2022

Students form Access Project from Sveti Nikole and Probistip visited the ISU and Kinoverzum

Today, the students from Access Project (Microscholarship Program for increasing access to English) that prepared the students for developing conversational skills in English by a variety […]
4 February 2022

The crew from the movie “Sisters”in Kinoverzum, the only university 3D movie theater

Today on 4th February, 2022 in Kinoverzum the only university 3D movie theater the premiere of the movie “Sisters”, the first Macedonian movie presented on Netflix, […]
24 July 2020

Our 3D cinema – Kinoverzum – received its first award

Tonight in Aurora Resort & Spa-Berovo our 3D cinema, Kinoverzum, received (its first ever) an award for special contribution in the affirmation of the film in […]
22 July 2020

Caricature and aphorism competition on the topic “Me, Itar Pejo (Sly Peter)”

The Institute of Culture and Art at the International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin” – Sveti Nikole has announced: The Second International COMPETITION for CARICATURE AND […]
27 January 2020

Our Movie Theater – Kinoverzum has received its first recognition

Our movie theater – Kinovezrum has received notification for its first acknowledgment. The acknowledgement has come from the Association of Journalists of Macedonia – Regional Center […]
25 December 2019

New Year’s Festival and Bazaar has started in Sveti Nikole

Today New Year’s Festival and Bazaar has started with the greatest program ever at the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin”. We share photos from the […]
1 November 2019

Applying for New Year’s Festival and Bazaar Stands (25th- 27th December 2019)

We have been organizing our New Year’s festival and Bazaar for four years. The New Year’s Festival and Bazaar will be held from 25th December 2019 […]
16 September 2019

Students from ISU attended the festival “Friends our wonderful alliance!” („Друзья, прекрасен наш союз! “)

8th international festival “Friends our wonderful alliance” was held during the time period from 9th September 2019 until 14th September, 2019 in Kiten, Bulgaria. Students from […]
9 September 2019

8th International Festival “Friends our wonderful alliance!”(„Друзья, прекрасен наш союз!“)

Tonight, 8thInternational Festival “Friends our wonderful alliance” has started in Kitten, Bulgaria and it will be held until 15th September, 2019. For a fifth year in […]
21 July 2019

Students from the International Slavic University attended a Summer School in Tambov, Russia

Four students from the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” from Sveti Nikole attended the international summer school for young people “Our unity is our diversity” […]
21 June 2019

The book “Foundations of WEB Technologies” by Prof. Hadzib Salkic, PhD, was promoted

In the amphitheater of the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” in Bitola the book “Foundations of WEB Technologies” by Prof. Hadzib Salkic, PhD, was promoted. […]
25 May 2019

The best high school essay written by a high school student from Prilep

On May 24th 2019, awards were presented from the Contest for High School Essays organized by the Institute of Culture and Art within the International Slavic […]
22 May 2019

Exam in acting 2

Today, at the International Slavic University, students from the Faculty for theatre arts from the class of professor Meto Jovanovski and assistant Magdalena Rizova within the […]
21 May 2019

A film was emitted and a lecture was held by Academician Katica Kjulavkova at the International Slavic University

The Philosophical Society of the Republic of North Macedonia and the International Slavic University “G. R Derzhavin” organized a film and a philosophical evening which was […]
21 May 2019

Guests within the program Erasmus + were present at International Slavic University in Bitola

Today, within the program Erasmus +there were guests at the International Slavic University, at the campus in Bitola. The guests were professors form the University of […]