In honor of the long-standing cooperation between the International Slavic University and Europa Prima – the International University, Ambassador Jordan Plevnes, the President of the University […]
On 26th March, 2022 (Saturday) in Kinoverzum, the only university 3D Movie Theater, the premiere of the new Macedonian movie “The Greatest truth” directed by Martin […]
Today, the students from Access Project (Microscholarship Program for increasing access to English) that prepared the students for developing conversational skills in English by a variety […]
Today on 4th February, 2022 in Kinoverzum the only university 3D movie theater the premiere of the movie “Sisters”, the first Macedonian movie presented on Netflix, […]
Tonight in Aurora Resort & Spa-Berovo our 3D cinema, Kinoverzum, received (its first ever) an award for special contribution in the affirmation of the film in […]
The Institute of Culture and Art at the International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin” – Sveti Nikole has announced: The Second International COMPETITION for CARICATURE AND […]
Our movie theater – Kinovezrum has received notification for its first acknowledgment. The acknowledgement has come from the Association of Journalists of Macedonia – Regional Center […]
Today New Year’s Festival and Bazaar has started with the greatest program ever at the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin”. We share photos from the […]
8th international festival “Friends our wonderful alliance” was held during the time period from 9th September 2019 until 14th September, 2019 in Kiten, Bulgaria. Students from […]
Tonight, 8thInternational Festival “Friends our wonderful alliance” has started in Kitten, Bulgaria and it will be held until 15th September, 2019. For a fifth year in […]
Four students from the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” from Sveti Nikole attended the international summer school for young people “Our unity is our diversity” […]
In the amphitheater of the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” in Bitola the book “Foundations of WEB Technologies” by Prof. Hadzib Salkic, PhD, was promoted. […]
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