The self-assessment commission of ISU and the sub-commissions for self-assessment of the faculties are the ones who do self-assessment according to the terms determined by the Statute of ISU and according to the Rulebook for self-assessment of ISU.

The self-assessment commission of ISU has analyzed and has evaluated:

  • the implementation of study and course programs;
  • the degree of participation of the teachers, associates and students in the implementation of study and course programs;
  • the results of the exams according to the structure of study programs (compulsory, elective, optional, general, specialist, theoretical, practical, etc.);
  • the number and structure of students;
  • the duration of study programs and transitivity through school years;
  • the student success according to the way of studying, as well as according to the regional affiliation, the national, affiliation, etc.;
  • the impact of the equipment (library fund, computer equipment, reading rooms, etc.) on the study efficiency;
  • the impact of research work on the quality of teaching and studying;
  • university activity according to the given accreditation and the license for performing higher education activity;
  • the coordination of the operation of sub-commissions in self-assessment of the faculties.

The self-assessment sub-commission of the faculties has analyzed and evaluated the implementation of the program of the departments regarding:

  • the implementation of study program;
  • the degree of participation of the teachers, associates and students in the implementation of study program;
  • the results of the exams according to the structure of study programs (compulsory, elective, optional, general, specialist, theoretical, practical, etc.);
  • the number and structure of students;
  • the duration of study programs and transitivity through school years;
  • the student success according to the way of studying, as well as according to the regional affiliation, the national, affiliation, etc.;
  • the impact of the equipment (library fund, computer equipment, reading rooms, etc.) on the study efficiency;
  • the impact of research work on the quality of teaching and studying;

The self-assessment sub-commission of the faculties has prepared an annual report on the results of the evaluation with an assessment of the situation and with proposals for overcoming the identified negative phenomena in the realization of the studies of the appropriate faculty.

Self-assessment reports: