Open Calls

11 May 2019

Meeting of the Macedonian Universities at the University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola

On the occasion of celebratingEurope Day, 9th May, at University “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola a manifestation on the topic of “Meeting of the Macedonian Universities”, […]
18 April 2019

The 5th Oratory Days at the ISU were held

The Faculty of Law at the International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovic Derzhavin” Sveti Nikole – Bitola have organized the Oratory Days for the fifth time. This […]
24 May 2018

We awarded the best essays written from high school students – 2018

On the 24th of May we awarded the best essays written from high school students. The award ceremony was held at the International Slavic University “G.R. Derzhavin” […]
4 May 2018

Enrollment on postgraduate studies on the program of the Faculty of economics from Ljubljana 2018/2019

Concourse for enrollment on postgraduate studies in BUSINESS AND ORGANIZATION on the International Slavic University on the program of the Faculty of Economics University of Ljubljana […]
30 April 2018

Awards for the best graduates in the intellectual game #DerzhaWIN

The Intelectual game #DerzhaWIN is a game of skills, knowledge, creativity, ability to navigate, management of time and intelligence. A total of 25 tandems from all […]
29 December 2017

Конкурс за трансфер на студенти 2017/2018

Pursuant to Article 108 and Article 110 of the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Macedonia. (Official Journal of the Republic of Macedonia, No. […]
23 December 2017

Awarded the Chess Tournament “Derzhavin” – 2017

After the 9th round which was played today, awards for the best three chess players were given. Првото место (златна плакета и лаптоп) го освои Тони […]
19 November 2017

Call for enrolling candidates on doctoral studies, Bulgaria 2021/2022

The University from Veliko Trnovo “ Cyril and Methodius” – R. of Bulgaria, announces a CALL FOR ENROLLING CANDIDATES ON DOCTORAL STUDIES (third cycle of studies). […]
28 October 2017

Assigned the awards from the contest “Me, Itar Pejo”

On October 27, 2017, starting at 19:00 in the premises of International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “in Bitola, the participants of the Competition for caricature, […]
10 September 2017

The poet Vasile Dimeski is the winner of the Prize “Derzhavin” for 2017

The Derzhavin Prize is awarded for the best poetry collection published in the period from July 2016 to July this year. Dimeski received the award for […]
27 March 2017

Конкурс за средношколски есеи – 2017

Победници од конкурсот за средношколски есеи – 2017 Од пристигнати вкупно 206 есеи напишани од 170 талентирани автори, жирито ги издвои следниве победници: 1 место – Мартин Миљев – СОУ […]