Staff Activities

12 November 2019

Erasmus+ Contact Seminar with the Western Balkans

International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” that is a holder of Erasmus Charter and is part of this program, with its participant – Erasmus + Institutional […]
12 November 2019

Workshop “How to step out of our comfort zone” in cooperation with the European Institute of Management, Law and Diplomacy

On 6th November, 2019 (Wednesday) on the premises of the National Theater – Bitola a lecture on the theme “How to step out of our comfort […]
12 November 2019

Prof. Orce Simov, PhD, lecturer at the workshop for small and medium enterprises (SME) innovation development

On 8th November, 2019 and 9th November, 2019 in Ohrid the Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at ISU, prof. Orce Simov, PhD, was a […]
25 October 2019

President of the Senate of ISU attended a conference in Belgrade on a theme “European Security on a Crossword of Multilateralism and Unilateralism”

A conference on a theme “European Security on a Crossword of Multilateralism and Unilateralism” was held in Belgrade, Serbia.  The focus of the fifth conference of […]
3 September 2019

Free Seminar on the theme “How to step out of our comfort zone” was held in Ohrid

On 30th August, 2019 a free seminarorganized by the European Institute of Management Law and Diplomacy in collaboration with the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” […]
13 June 2019

A software for calculations with large numbers was made at the International Slavic University

A software for numerical calculations with large numbers was been made at the Faculty of Computer Science within the International Slavic University “Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin”. The […]
1 April 2019

Round table held on topic “China – Romania- Serbia – North Macedonia – Greece”

On 28th March and 29th March 2019, round table on topic “China- Romania- Serbia – North Macedonia- Greece (academic-scientific cooperation on the Silk Road) was held […]
1 February 2019

Избор на нов ректор на МСУ

Денес, на 1-ви февруари, во Свети Николе на седница со која раководеше претседателот, проф. д-р Васко Стамевски, сенатот избра нов ректор на Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет „Г. Р. […]
9 February 2018

Students from ISU at studies for double degrees in Russia

In the period from 22 nd to 29 th of January 2018 students from the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “were visiting Tambov, Russia.   […]