Based on the Regulations for the form, manner, and maintenance (in material and electronic form) and the content of the registry of enrolled students and the main book of graduated students (Official Gazette of RM 102/18) and the Statute of the Private Higher Education Institution International Slavic University Sveti Nikole, Republic of North Macedonia, the Rector’s Office on December 18, 2023, made a decision for the transfer and enrollment of students for the 2023/2024 academic year and announces the following:
transfer and Enrollment of Students in the First Cycle of Studies in
accredited study programs for the 2023/2024 academic year at
Faculty of Economics and Organization of Entrepreneurship with the study programs (Sveti Nikole and Bitola)
Faculty of Psychology with the study programs (Sveti Nikole and Bitola)
Faculty of Technical Sciences and Computer Science with the study programs (Sveti Nikole and Bitola)
Faculty of Law with the study program (Sveti Nikole and Bitola)
Eligible to apply are students who simultaneously study in multiple study programs of different specializations and take additional courses, students who progress faster in their studies, students who continue their studies at another higher education institution if the higher education institution they were enrolled in ceases to operate, students who transfer from one higher education institution to another, or from one study program or specialization to another within the same higher education institution, utilizing the benefits of the credit system, students who resume studies they had interrupted under conditions specified by the statute of the higher education institution, foreign students, as well as students who, for justified reasons, were unable to enroll in the registry during the first closing term.
Candidates enroll as regular or part-time students with self-financed tuition in the amount of 500 euros (for one academic year) in denar equivalent calculated at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia on the day of payment. Students who pay the tuition fee in advance receive a 10% discount.
Candidates enroll without taking an entrance exam.
Application Submission Deadline – No later than January 30, 2024
When applying for enrollment in the first cycle of studies for the 2023/2024 academic year, candidates must submit the following documents:
Through this page, you can apply online for a transfer to one of the five faculties of ISU in just a few minutes and five steps. In the following steps, we will guide you through the application process and explain how to apply for a transfer entirely electronically.
Доколку насоката која ја одбравте Ве води кон професијата од Вашите соништа, тогаш сторете нешто во врска со тоа! Откако ги собравте сите потребни информации, време е за онлајн аплицирање. Пополнете ја апликацијата за да ги доставите Вашите податоци до Службата за студентски прашања.
Апликацијата е затворена.
По пополнување на апликацијата испратете ги потребните документи за трансфер до Службата за студентски прашања.
При пријавувањето за трансфер на прв циклус на студии кандидатите ги поднесуваат скенирани следните документи:
Сега, кога веќе сè Ви е подготвено, Службата за студентски прашања ќе направи проверка на сите документи. Во рок од неколку денови ќе бидете контактирани.
По донесување на решение од страна на Министерството за образование и наука на Република Северна Македонија ќе бидат донесени конечни одлуки и ќе бидете информирани дали трансферот може да се направи.