On September 18 and 19, Professor Janko Bacev participated in the International Scientific Conference entitled Contemporary Security Paradigms and Challenges: Theory and Practice, organized by the Institute for Security, Defense and Peace at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius. At the conference, Professor Bacev presented the work: “Aspects of the name dispute – Around the Greek security dilemma on the use of the name Republic of Macedonia” in which he tries to expose the idea about the Greek security dilemma in the name dispute, taking into account that from the behavior of Greece in the 25-year name dispute, the argument that its strategic determination to challenge our constitutional name entails its tactical approach to show in front of the international public that the use of the name-republic of Macednia poses a threat to Greek national security and a potential danger of jeopardizing peace and security in the region and beyond. The conference was attended by 130 participants from 19 countries.
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