If you are students of psychology, or simply you love psychology this is the right thing for you! If you want to learn more about this science, to socialize and meet the other like-minded people and psychologists, then you shouldn’t miss this opportunity! “Days of Psychology” are created so you can see and learn more about this science, to see and learn what the lectures and practical workshops of the psychologists look like, and this will also be a great opportunity to enrich your libraries.
What do you get?
Prof. Kiril Barbarev, PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at Goce Delchev University of Stip will talk about “Teacher as a profession – from Constructivism to Art Form”.
Didactic’s and methodology are practical theories, that aim to provide practical knowledge of teacher’s functions, operations and activities in teaching and they have a very deep relationship with the psychology of instruction. Is the path of pedagogy and methodology only the so-called access to instruction or at some point we should consider the teacher’s profession as an activity and an act that goes beyond the mechanics of the curriculum and that produces authentic art?
The workshop is dedicated to constructivism as the basis of the contemporary epistemological concepts of pedagogy, didactic’s and methodology, its application in the teaching process, as well as the nature of the so-called FLOW experience featuring the key to creative discovery, problem solving and capability development.
“System Dynamics and its place in individualism and group psychotherapy approaches” – the workshop will be led by Prof. Miroslav Pendarovski, PhD, certified in working with System Dynamics and Family Constellations, professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin”.
Basic concepts of System Dynamics and Family Constellations and their place in individual and group psychotherapy work will be presented briefly in the workshop. Through a short interactive lecture and discussion method, some of the basic concepts of this type of work will be learned empirically: methodology, basic principles, interventions, comparison with other classic approaches of therapeutic models, the importance of hierarchy in the family order, the systematic approach of viewing the phenomena as interdependent, etc.
The workshop will also include short practical workshops and an overview of the work through this method. The author will share his practical experiences in this type of approach that he has been using for many years and he will make parallels with other psychotherapy methods.
Bojana Stamenkovic will hold a workshop on the theme “Recognizing psychological violence in partnership”.
Violence is a theme that is often talked about, yet the people who face this problem are the quietest. Many factors can contribute to a person getting trapped in the circle of violence, and the most common one is not recognizing it.
Psychological violence is very common in the partner relationships and in the family system, and it is often transferred in a transgenerational manner unless it is not rooted out and functional patterns of communication are established. In this short workshop / lecture we will talk about identifying of psychological violence in partner relationships, the contributing factors and the ways and strategies for dealing effectively with it.
Prof. Sonja Rizoska Jovanovska, PhD, Full Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin”, who is an ethnologist, an anthropologist, a sociologist, an author, a screenwriter and director of 13 documentary movies dedicated to the symbols of culture, cultural (sub)groups, cultural identity, individual and collective consciousness, tradition will hold a workshop on the theme “Let’s talk about “what is present with its absence”.
Film screening and psychological review of the film “The Dervishes Path” – an author, a screenwriter and a director Prof. Sonja Rizoska Jovanovska,PhD, MACRO S FILM PRODUCTION 2015.
The film is a scientific and research project that talks about the psychological symbiosis of a particular group of individuals and their path, or tariqa, portraying man as a cultural and social being, his personality, a set of beliefs of certain ethnicities, a ritual practice that they have kept for centuries as the greatest cultural heritage, their (un)relatedness, similarities and differences, everything that brings them together, connects, overlaps or distances them. And through the method of moral psychology it highlights the path of individual determination, thus tracing the soul’s path to God, guiding it through the various stages of its being.
By learning about the others along that path, you realize your own forgetfulness, and in fact, you get the deepest self-knowledge on several levels, about ME, (NOT) ME and (BEYOND) ME. By doing this you go through many stages, as the dervishes say, they talk about the signs of path in life that are not by chance there and you should know whether you should proceed. About nosis and knowledge, about spiritual experience, about the sight of a Sufi, the stages of their journey, the knowledge of God’s love, and their readiness for the dervishes dance.
Discussion about the film
Special guests at “Days of Psychology at ISU” will be the poet who is in love with the power of words, Ana Bunteska, and the painter and humanist Zivko Popovski Cvetin.
Ana Bunteska through her songs will remind us that everything is fleeting in life, but also her songs will point out the feeling of LOVE – the most important, inevitable feeling that has sustained humanity.
The painter and humanist Zivko Popovski Cvetin will immortalize the phoenix workshops to remind us that “The end does not mean the real end, but each end signifies a new beginning.”
Tatjana Aleksic will hold a workshop entitled “Sexual Intelligence”.
Workshop concept:
Conditions of participation
All interested citizens can attend the days of psychology.
The financial conditions for participation are thefollowing:
The following prices will apply for the students of ISU:
Payment should be made to the following account:
Recipient: International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin ”
Bank: Stopanska Banka AD Skopje
Bank Account: 200001929488684
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