The excavations at the site Gradiste near the village of Knezje – BILAZORA 2016 are taking place in full swing.
На покана на Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет „Г. Р. Державин“ во период од две седмици на локалитетот истражуваа и професори и студенти по архелогија од нашиот партнерски универзитетот „Г. Р. Державин” од Тамбов, Русија.
At the invitation of the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “in a period of two weeks , researchers made archeology professors from our partner university” G. R. Derzhavin “from Tambov, Russia.
By participating in this project, we further the cooperation between the National Museum of Sveti Nikole and our university. Together we published and promoted the first book about- “Bilazora – the capital of the independent Paiones”.
The guests from Russia were in several visits to our university and the National Museum in Sveti Nikole, and during their stay there were also cabin teaching, as well as lectures on the history of Ovce Pole and the Republic of Macedonia.