A delegation from the International Slavic University visited our partners from Lipetsk – Lipetsk State Pedagogical University “P. P. Semyonov Tan-Shanski “.The visit lasted from January 15th to 19th, 2019, and the goal was to get to know the partner university, its infrastructure, communicate with the students, and review the region.
On January 17th, an official meeting was held between the representatives of our university and the Lipetsk University, which was represented by the Pro-rector for Academic Affairs, A. Comkov, Pro-rector for scientific work I. Burmikina, Pro-Rector for Educational Work D. Kretov, Head of Department of Informatics D. Skudneva, Head of the Educational Policy Department L. Belenikina and the head of the department for international cooperation E. Gajduk.
Possible fields for future cooperation, exchange of students and practical work were discussed. It was decided to put the emphasis on disciplines related to computer science and robotics. The meeting was arranged for exchange of students primarily from the Faculty of Informatics, and implementation of training programs and practical work at the two universities.