Maestral music-poetry evening was held in Bitola, organized by the Slavic University for the occasion of the 180th anniversary of the death of A. S. Pushkin.
The brilliant Marina Korunovska from Bitola, mezzo-soprano, performed a total of 9 compositions of Pushkin’s text and music from the most famous Russian composers, which were greatly played by Andrijana Dumevska as a vocal peer.
The overall impression was complemented by the lyrical voice of the actor Dragan Miladinovski from Veles, who brought Pushkin’s poetry in an enchanting way to the audience. For those who do not know, the poet Derzhavin, whose name is our university, has strongly influenced the work of Pushkin, which in particular does not motivate us to do this concert.
A nice mix of emotions that caused the audience in the crowded amphitheater of ISU and the return of the soloist twice to the scene.
Were performed:
1. Я Вас любил…- Б. С. Шереметьев
2. Признание – М. И. Глинка
3. Что в имени тебе моем? – А. С. Даргомыжский
4. Я помню чудное мгновенье – М. И. Глинка
5. Ночной зефир – М. И. Глинка
6. В крови горит огонь желанья – М. И. Глинка
7. Не пой красавица при мне – С. Рахманинов
8. Ночь – А. Г. Рубинштейн
9. Старый муж, грозный муж – А. Верстовский
+ Гопак- М. Мусоргский