Delegation of the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin “is currently visiting our partner university from Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, where they are staying because of the beginning of the new academic year.
The delegation was received by the rector, PhD Hristo Bondzholov. The opening of the 55th school year at Veliko Tarnovo University started with the speech of the Rector, PhD Hristo Bondzholov in front of the new 2666 students.
Во рамки на свеченоста, помеѓу другите гости и професори на студентите се обрати и претседателот на Управен Одбор на МСУ проф. д-р Јордан Ѓорчев и на бруцошите им го честита почетокот на новата академската година. На свеченоста присуствуваше и делегација од Тверскиот државен универзитет од Твер, Русија.
Within the ceremony, among the other guests and professors the President of the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Education and Science PhD Jordan Gjorchev gave speech to the students and congratulated the beginning of the new academic year. A ceremony was also attended by a delegation from the Tver State University in Tver, Russia.