After the end of the mobility period

The host institution will provide you with the Transcript of records containing a full, accurate and timely record of your achievements at the end of their mobility period.

We will ensure that all ECTS credits gained for learning outcomes satisfactorily achieved during a period of study/training abroad, including during blended mobility are fully and automatically recognized as agreed in the learning agreement and confirmed by the transcript of records/traineeship certificate. They shall be transferred without delay into the your records, and shall be counted towards your degree without any additional work or assessment from your part and shall be traceable in the student’s transcript of records and the Diploma Supplement.

We will ensure the inclusion of satisfactorily completed study and/or traineeship mobility activities in the final record of student achievements (the Diploma Supplement).

Once you return from the mobility, we will encourage you to get involved in activities of the Student Association, and share your experiences on the info sessions and during the recruitment campaigns. We also post your success story on our website and our social media profiles in order to encourage other students to apply for a mobility period.

  1. In accordance with your Learning Agreement, you are entitled to receive full academic recognition from your sending institution for activities that you have completed satisfactorily during your mobility period.
  2. If you are studying abroad, within five weeks of the publication of your results, your receiving institution will send a Transcript of Records to you and to your sending institution, showing your credits and grades achieved. Upon receipt of your Transcript of Records, your sending institution will provide you with complete information on the recognition of your achievements. If you are enrolled in a higher education institution located in a Programme Country, the recognized components (e.g. courses) will appear in your Diploma Supplement.
  3. If you are doing a traineeship, your enterprise will give you a Traineeship Certificate summarizing the tasks carried out and an evaluation. Your sending institution will also give you a Transcript of Records, if this forms part of your Learning Agreement. If the traineeship was not part of the curriculum, but you are enrolled in a higher education institution located in a Programme Country, the mobility period will be recorded in your Diploma Supplement and – if you wish – in your Europass Mobility Document. If you are a recent graduate from an institution located in a Programme Country, you are encouraged to request the Europass Mobility Document.
  4. You should undergo an on-line language assessment, if available in your main language of instruction/work abroad, to monitor linguistic progress during your mobility.
  5. You must fill in a questionnaire to provide feedback on your Erasmus+ mobility period to your sending and receiving institution, to the relevant National Agencies and to the European Commission.
  6. You are encouraged to share your mobility experience with your friends, fellow students, staff in your institution, journalists etc. to let other people benefit from your experience, including young people