During mobility

The team of the International Relations Office is obliged to provide technical support to the incoming students regarding the learning process and if students require, they should assist them during the lectures.

The International Relations Office provides professional, administrative, logistic, technical and language support to the incoming students – mobility users.

If the incoming students face accommodation fraud or are discriminated against any range of grounds, the International Relations Office will provide them with support in overcoming the new problems.

The incoming students have the equal treatment (rights and obligations regarding the learning process, exam sessions, grading and filing a complaint) and they have access to all services as the local students. These rights and obligations are presented during the first week of their arrival as incoming students.  Additionally, the employees of the International Relations Office should be available to all requests from the incoming students throughout before, during and after mobility.

The International Relations Office should provide integration to the incoming students in a wider student organization by appointing an academic tutor and a student-tutor, as well as to enable their involvement in the ISU activities.