Our students have established a non-formal association in 2007. It was formally established in 2009 under the name Zdruzhenie na studenti Megjunaroden Slavjanski Univerzitet, or translated in English – Student Association – International Slavic University. Through our Student Association and alumni club we try to engage our current students and alumni. We encourage the participation of the Student Association in the Erasmus+ programme, and they help us in the process of involving the students in the mobility activities through a buddy system.
The greatest advantage of the Students’ association is the possibility that the students are offered with to socialize with each other and to share ideas, innovations, creativity. The students’ association has many activities during the academic year, and generally their activities are based on participation and organization of the events at the university. Free workshops and training courses are organized through the Students Association for our students, but also for other interested citizens. The students organize workshops, charity events, blood donating actions, student parties and field trips.
Together with the Student Association we make efforts to integrate mobile students. This is achieved by engaging local students to assist incoming mobile students both before and during the mobility period. Local students may assist incoming students by meeting them at the airport, helping them to find accommodation and explaining everyday cultural challenges they might meet in the receiving country.
Our alumni are mainly engaged in activities for sharing their experiences, particularly the international experiences, and we also involve them to support the additional opportunities for our current students. For example, they support research activities, connect our students with the business sector or their current employers, and overall, help us set an example for future generations of students.
Student Association MSU
- Marshal Tito 77, 2220 Sveti Nikole, Republic of North Macedonia
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