All forms of knowledge testing are public. The forms of knowledge testing can be in written or oral form. If the exam is taken in a written form, the professor is obliged to inform the students before taking the exam what aids they can use during the exam. The student can take a maximum of two exams from the same study program per day, i.e., a maximum of 5 exams in one exam session.

The forms of knowledge testing can be written, oral, practical and combined. The written test of knowledge should last from 40 to 60 minutes, the oral test from 20 to 40 minutes per candidate, and the combined test of knowledge can last a maximum of the same sum of the written and oral test of knowledge. The manner of the knowledge test is determined by the course professor.

The labor and the work of the student are evaluated continuously during the semester or the academic year. The knowledge and the labor (work) of the student are evaluated during the lectures when records are kept about the manner and about the forms that are determined by a decision of the Teaching- Scientific Council of the units of the ISU.

On request of the student the course professor is obliged to provide insight into the achieved activities (mid-term exams, research papers, project activities, presentations) expressed in points for each segment of the assessment.

The formation of the final grade from by the continuous check of the knowledge, the final forming of the grade and the other activities within the course program are done according to the total number of points earned on all ground, as presented:

  • 0 – 50 points: grade 5 (five)
  • 51 – 60 points: grade 6 (six)
  • 61 – 70 points: grade 7 (seven)
  • 71 – 80 points: grade 8 (eight)
  • 81 – 90 points: grade 9 (nine)
  • 91 – 100 points: grade 10 (ten).

The students on the faculty can enroll as full-time or part-time students, and the status of the student has a different meaning from several points of view.

The final grade is written in the exam registration sheet that is filled in and signed by the professor in the student’s record book, the exam registration sheet and in the electronic system for records.

Grading system

Full-time students are obliged to attend regular classes (lectures) in all courses and they have the opportunity to take the 2 midterm exams.

If part-time students attend at least eight weeks of lectures (four weeks before the first midterm exam and four weeks before the second midterm exam) are allowed the right to take the course through midterm exams.

The formation of final assessment on any course is earned through a set of points scored by midterm exams, points by attendance and additional activities, term papers, etc… The establishment of an assessment of the courses is determined by the following principle:

The assessment process is based on the points earned throughout the semester. However, the calculation may vary slightly from course to course and it is best to check the course catalog or consult with the professor.

+ first midterm exam (35 points)
+ second midterm exam (35 points)
+ term paper (10 points)
+ attendance and аdditional аctivities  (20 points)
Maximum points = 100

For the part-time students that will not take part in the midterm exams, the maximum points they can receive from the final exam is 70 points.

*Depending on the study program, the distribution of the points per activity can be different. For exact points, please consult the professor or take a look on E – learning.